Our Pastor and First Lady


Pastor Jimmy D Ogle


First Lady Judy L Ogle

The Ogle’s have been involved in ministry for many years. 12 of those years have been Pastoring here in Indiana and Wisconsin. They have a heart for people and a call of God on their life. You will love getting to know the Ogles and in return, you will feel the love they have for You.

Mens Ministry

Mens Ministry

Mike Herring

Bro. Mike Herring Serves as our Mens Ministry Leader and also serves as usher. Mike is a dedicated saint of God willing to help in anyway. He has a special place in all our hearts.

Ladies Ministry

Ladies Ministry

Judy Lee Ogle

Sis Judy Ogle serves as our Ladies Ministry Leader and also teaches Sunday school and does all the things that a First Lady does. Sis. Ogle has a personality that will force anyone to smile and laugh.

Music Director

Music Director

Leah Godbey

Sis. Leah Godbey serves as Music Director and also serves as our event meal coordinator. She has dedicated her entire life to ministry and is a dearly loved saint of God. She is everyones Grandma.

Media Director

Media Director

Michele Roberson

Sis. Michele Roberson serves as our Media and Sound Director. She is a funny, friendly and caring saint of God who we all love to have around.

Head Usher

Head Usher

William Jellison

Bro. William Jellison Serves as our Head Usher. Bro. Jelison doesn’t know a stranger and has a fabulous handshake. We love having him at our front door.

Secretary  Treasurer

Secretary Treasurer

Ashley Ogle

Sis. Ashley Ogle serves as our Secretary Treasurer and also serves as a Sunday school teacher. She keeps things on time and organized and we love her for it.

Daily Bread Coordinator

Daily Bread Coordinator

Connie Herring

Sis. Connie Herring Serves as our Daily Bread Coordinator. Bread, standing for Bible Reading Enriches Any Day, tells you all about Connie and her department. Sis. Connie helps keep us on track with our daily reading, but out reads us all every year.